Travel Advice (by road)Gardoussel, 30940 St Andre de Valborgne Nîmes to Gardoussel: St Andre de Valborgne is 87 km north-west of Nîmes. It takes about 1 hour 30 minutes to drive. Gardoussel is a small hamlet 1.6 km north St Andre de Valborgne (take the D10 on the Florac side of St Andre...). 1.6 km out of St Andre, you will see a sign marked Gardoussel on your right and a small bridge. Cross the bridge and drive up into the hamlet and look for the parking area. Alès to Gardoussel: St Andre de Valborgne is 55 km west of Alès. It takes about 1 hour to drive. Gardoussel is a small hamlet 1.6 km north St Andre de Valborgne (take the D10 on the Florac side of St Andre...). 1.6 km out of St Andre, you will see a sign marked Gardoussel on your right and a small bridge. Cross the bridge and drive up into the hamlet and look for the parking area. Montpellier to Gardoussel: St Andre de Valborgne is 95 km west of Montpellier. It takes about 1 hour 55 mins to drive. Gardoussel is a small hamlet 1.6 km north St Andre de Valborgne (take the D10 on the Florac side of St Andre...). 1.6 km out of St Andre, you will see a sign marked Gardoussel on your right and a small bridge. Cross the bridge and drive up into the hamlet and look for the parking area. Florac to Gardoussel: St Andre de Valborgne is 30 km south of Florac. It takes about 30 mins to drive. Gardoussel is a small hamlet 1.6 km north St Andre de Valborgne (coming from Florac, you take the D10 on the Florac side of St Andre, just after arriving in the village. So turning left onto the D10 means you effectively double back on yourself). 1.6 km out of St Andre, you will see a sign marked Gardoussel on your right and a small bridge. Cross the bridge and drive up into the hamlet and look for the parking area.